Oratorio del Partal - Alhambra, Spain
1987 - Columbia University, New York, NY
Master of Science in Historic Preservation – Design Concentration
Summer 1983 - Universitá per Stranieri di Perugia, Italy
Italian Language and Culture
1983 - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA
Bachelor of Architecture
1979 - Chatham College, Pittsburgh, PA
Liberal Arts
Summer 1977 - University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
English as a Second Language
2017/Present - Norma Barbacci Preservation Consultants, LLC, New York, NY
Principal and Owner
Spring 2020 - Yale School of Architecture, New Haven, CT
Robert A. M. Stern Visiting Professor
2001/2017 - World Monuments Fund, New York, NY
Program Director for Latin America, Spain and Portugal
1989/2001 - Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners, LLC, New York, NY
Senior Project Manager / Associate / Studio Director
1987-1989 - Charles A. Platt & Partners, New York, NY
Preservation Architect
1984/1985 - Arthur Lubetz Associates Architects, Pittsburgh, PA
Staff Architect
1984 - Interspace Inc, Pittsburgh, PA
Staff Architect
1984 - I. J. Chung Associates, Pittsburgh, PA
Staff Architect
1987 - Registered Architect, New York State
2001 AIA New York State Award of Merit for the New York Historical Society - Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture (Received as Associate at Beyer Blinder Belle Architects and Planners).
1987 Columbia University Historic Preservation Thesis Award.
1983-84 Carnegie-Mellon University Honor Student.
1983 AIA School Medal and Certificate from the Adams Fund for Excellence in the Study of Architecture, Carnegie-Mellon University.
Fluent in Spanish and English, Intermediate Italian
Columbia University Preservation Alumni • US / ICOMOS • Preservation Committee of the Municipal Arts Society, NYC; Co-Founder of Northeast Chapter of Civita di Bagnoregio Institute; Board Member of Friends of Havana.
2018 Barbacci, Norma. “Efectos socio-culturales del turismo en ciudades patrimoniales - los casos de Venecia, Cusco y la ciudad de Mexico.” in Alcance – Revista Cubana de Información y Comunicación, Vol. 7, Núm. 16, 2018.
2016 Barbacci, Norma. “World Monuments Fund and some examples of youth educational programs in America.” in YOCOCU 2014: Professionals’ Experiences in Cultural Heritage Conservation in America, Europe and Asia. Ed. Andrea Macchia, Fernanda Pestileo, Simone Cagno and Fariz Khalilli. Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, pp. 2-8.
2012 Barbacci, Norma. “El World Monuments Fund en Sitios de Patrimonio Mundial de América Latina y el Mundo.” In 40 años de la Convención de Patrimonio Mundial: Patrimonio Mundial, Cultura y Desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe. Ed. Francisco Vidargas. Querétaro, Mexico: Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia, pp. 41-57.
2012 Barbacci, Norma. “El trabajo de World Monuments Fund y los bienes del patrimonio religioso en peligro.” In Difusión y protección del patrimonio religioso en América Latina. Ed. Carmen María Ramos Balcarce and Susana Malnis de Bestani. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional Tres de Febrero, pp. 403-414.
2011 Barbacci, Norma. “Conserving South America’s Guaraní Missions.” In Architectural Conservation in Europe and the Americas, by John Stubbs and Emily G. Makas. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., pp 655.
2011 Barbacci, Norma. “Examples of community participation in the preservation of urban heritage in New York.” In Salvemos Buenos Aires: 1er Encuentro de Gestión de Patrimonio Arquitectónico y Urbano. Ed. Jose Miguel Onaindia. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Fundación Ciudad, pp. 96-100.
2009 Barbacci, Norma. “Turismo Cultural y Conservación: La Experiencia de World Monuments Fund.” In Studi Latinoamericani #5 - Conservazione, tutela e uso dei beni culturali: Il caso Latinoamericano. Ed. Mario Sartor. Udine, Italy: Editrice Universitaria Udinese, pp. 37-46.
2005 Barbacci, Norma, Marcos Rauch and Eduardo A. Villafranca. “Conservation and Management of the Ceremonial Village of Orongo.” In The Reñaca Papers: Proceedings of the VI International Conference on Rapa Nui and the Pacific. Ed. C.M. Stevenson, J.M. Ramirez, F.J. Morin and N. Barbacci. Los Osos, CA: Easter Island Foundation, pp. 457-470.
2020 “Earthen Architecture—Valorization and Underestimation.” NBPC website, April 22. https://www.normabarbaccipreservation.com/new-blog/2020/4/22/earthen-architecturevalorization-and-underestimation-lecture;
2017 “Reflections about tiles and reflective glass in Andahuaylillas.” Linkedin, August 9. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/reflections-tiles-reflective-glass-andahuaylillas-norma-barbacci/
2017 “Where in the world is Suriname?” Linkedin, June 25. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/where-world-suriname-norma-barbacci/
2016 “Panama Papers,” World Monuments Fund website, October 7. https://www.wmf.org/blog/panama-papers
2016 “Visiting Cuba.” World Monuments Fund website, May 4. https://www.wmf.org/blog/visiting-cuba
2010 “Mission to Santo Domingo and Jacmel.” World Monuments Fund website, February 18. https://www.wmf.org/blog/mission-santo-domingo-and-jacmel
2010 “Mission to Port-au-Prince.” World Monuments Fund website, February 24. https://www.wmf.org/blog/mission-port-au-prince
2022 “Arquitectura Vernácula: Concepto, ejemplos y Revaloración.” Presented at Festival Arkitecturas Nativas del Mundo 2022, January 29;
2021 “La Arquitectura de Tierra: Valorización y Menosprecio.” Keynote lecture at the Universidad Andina del Cusco, May 28;
2020 “Tierra, arkitectura del futuro” & “Diseño nativo – la obra de Freddy Mamani.” Presented at Festival Arkitecturas Nativas del Mundo 2020, December 10;
2020 “Rol de la Identidad y Patrimonio en el Desarrollo del Turismo Territorial.” Presented at the Seminario Sobre Identidad y Patrimonio Para una Reactivación Turística Sustentable – En el Marco del Proyecto Rutas Patrimoniales del Valle del Aconcagua. Santiago de Chile (via Zoom), October 14;
2020 “El Futuro del Patrimonio.” Presented at U. Adolfo Ibañez, Chile, August 22;2020 “Earthen Architecture—Valorization and Underestimation.” Lecture presented at Yale School of Architecture, via Zoom, April 13. Video;
2020 Co-organizer and presenter at the symposium: “Against the Current: Priorities & Pathways for Supporting Preservation in Havana.” World Monuments Fund, New York, January 27;
2019 “La Arquitectura de Tierra en el Perú y el Mundo: Valorización y Menosprecio.” Lecture presented at the II International Seminar on Research for the Conservation of Earthen Pre Hispanic Architecture. Trujillo, Peru, August 26;2018 Participation as juror in the BID CITIES LAB competition sponsored by the InterAmerican Development Bank, Santiago de Chile, December 9;
2018 “Mecenazgos en Patrimonio.” Training Workshop on the Economics of Heritage - 18th Regional Conference OWHC Southern Europe and Mediterranean region, Cordoba, Spain, November 21;
2018 “Algunos retos en el trabajo de preservación internacional.” Presentation of YoCoCu Latin America program. Museo Nacional de Arqueología, Antropología e Historia del Perú, Lima, October 16;
2018 “Patrimonio, paisajes e itinerarios culturales.” Participatory Workshop: Las Iglesias del Altiplano Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad, Arica, September 10;
2018 “Opportunities for Preservation in Old Havana and Beyond,” Advancing Environmental Sustainability and Historic Preservation in Cuba, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C., June 4;
2018 “Efectos socio-culturales del turismo en ciudades patrimoniales: Los casos de Venecia, Cusco y la Ciudad de Mexico,” Encuentro Internacional Gestión de Ciudades Patrimoniales, Havana, Cuba, May 8;
2018 “Challenges of International Preservation Work,” The New School - Studley Graduate Program in International Affairs: Havana Studio, New York, April 24;
2018 “Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte de Cuba,” La Habana 2018 – Lista de Espera, Politecnico di Milano, Italy, March 6;2017 Preservation Group International Facilitator, “Hablemos de la Habana Conference,” Havana, Cuba February 7-9;
2017 Preservation Group International Facilitator, “Hablemos de la Habana Conference,” Havana, Cuba, February 7-9;
2016 “World Monuments Fund y los Retos de Conservación del Patrimonio Cultural en América Latina.” Simposio Internacional de Conservación de Bienes Culturales, Churubusco, Mexico, October 26-28;
2016 “World Monuments Fund and some examples of youth educational programs in Latin America.” YoCoCu - Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Meeting, Madrid, Spain, September 21-23;
2016 “World Monuments Fund: Gestión de Centros Históricos como Centros Vivos.” cLIMA sin Riesgo Workshop, Lima, Peru, July 10-12;
2016 “Advocacy and Community Participation in the Protection of Cultural Heritage,” Georgetown International Heritage Conference, Georgetown, Guyana, June 6-8;
2016 “Algunos ejemplos de participación social en la defensa del patrimonio cultural del mundo,” 34th Meeting of Hispania Nostra, Trujillo, Spain, May 25-26;
2016 “World Monuments Fund en Centros Históricos del Mundo” and “World Monuments Fund en Cuba, La Habana, Yangon y Charleston.” XIV Encuentro Internacional sobre Manejo y Gestión de Centros Históricos, Havana, Cuba, May 17-20;
2015 “Opening Ceremony Presentation.” XIII World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities – World Heritage Cities, Resilient Cities. Arequipa, Peru, November 2-6;
2014 “Disappearing Places and Art in Place in the Americas; Sacred New Mexico.” Interview by Rick Steves, Program 362, April 19;
2014 “Youth in the conservation of cultural heritage,” YoCoCu - Youth in the Conservation of Cultural Heritage Meeting, Agsu, Azerbaijan, May 29;
2014 “World Monuments Fund and Community Participation in the Protection of Cultural Heritage,” poster session, 18th ICOMOS General Assembly Meeting, Florence, Italy, November 10-14;
2013 “World Monuments Fund: Mission, history, programs and selected projects,” presented at the AIA – Toledo meeting, Owens Corning Headquarters, Toledo, Ohio, April 22;
2013 “Participación Comunitaria en la Preservación del Patrimonio Cultural,” presented at the XII World Congress of the Organization of World Heritage Cities: Heritage Cities - Sustainable Cities, Oaxaca, Mexico, November 22;
2012 “World Monuments Fund’s work in historic centers of Latin America,” presented at the “Multidisciplinary Studio: Regeneration of Urban Heritage Areas in the Americas class,” University of Pennsylvania, March 13;
2012 “El World Monuments Fund en Centros Históricos de Latinoamérica," presented at “Segundo Conversatorio Visiones del Perú - Lima Patrimonio Mundial: Balance a los 20 años,” Instituto Riva Agüero - Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Lima, April 27;
2012 “Retos en la conservación y manejo en sitios Maya: El trabajo de World Monuments Fund en Yaxchilán, Piedras Negras y Naranjo,” presented at “ICOMOS-ICAHM 2012 Annual Meeting,” Cusco, Peru, November 27;
2011 “World Monuments Fund y sus Programas en América Latina,” presented at the “Conversatorio Ciudades Patrimonio: retos y oportunidades para la gestión del desarrollo,” Lima’s Town Hall, June 16th;
2011 “Unfinished Spaces.” Interview in documentary film by Alysa Nahmias and Ben Murray. Los Angeles Film Festival, June 24;
2011 “Difusión y protección del patrimonio religioso en América Latina,” presented at the “Cátedra UNESCO de Turismo Cultural Seminario Internacional,” Auditorio de la Asociación Amigos del Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 4;
2011 “Capacity Building Program for the Conservation, Management, and Sustainable Development of the Jesuit Guaraní Missions of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay & San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, Peru,” presented at the International Cultural Site Management class, Columbia University, October 17;
2011 “Historic Center of Lima, San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, San Francisco de Asís de Marcapata, Arica-Parinacota Churches and Jesuit Guaraní Missions,” presented at the International Conservation class, Pratt University, October 31;
2010 “Highlights of Latin American Projects,” presented to Middlebury College students, January 21;
2010 “World Monuments Fund in Latin America,” lecture presented at the Preservation Institute Nantucket, June 21;
2010 “World Monuments Fund y sus programas en centros históricos de América Latina,” presented at the “1er Encuentro de Gestión de Patrimonio Urbano y Arquitectónico-Salvemos Buenos Aires,” Buenos Aires, September 14;
2010 “Ejemplos de participación comunitaria para la preservación del Patrimonio urbano en Nueva York,” presented at the “1er Encuentro de Gestión de Patrimonio Urbano y Arquitectónico-Salvemos Buenos Aires,” Buenos Aires, September 15;
2010 “World Monuments Fund in Latin America,” presented at the International Conservation Practice course, Pratt Institute Preservation Program, New York, October 25;
2009 “Turismo Cultural y Conservación – La Experiencia de World Monuments Fund,” presented at the IV International Congress of Archaeological Tourism: CITA 2009 – Trujillo, Peru, April 3-5;
2009 “Latin American Preservation-Overview and Case Studies,” lecture presented at Columbia University, April 21;
2009 “Highlights of South American World Heritage Sites,” presented at the Preservation Institute Nantucket, July 20;
2009 “World Monuments Fund y sus Programas,” presented at the VIII International Meeting on Management of Historic Centers: Havana, Cuba, November 30-December 2;
2008 “Capacity Building Program for the Conservation, Management, and Sustainable Development for the Jesuit Guaraní Mission of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay,” presented at the 11th Annual US ICOMOS International Symposium: US Participation in the Global Heritage Community - Washington, D.C., May 28 - 31;
2008 “Los proyectos de World Monuments Fund y su relación con el turismo sostenible,” presented at the Facultad de Estudios del Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Externado de Colombia – Bogotá, Colombia, July 25;
2008 “Economics, sustainability, and living with cultural heritage in Latin America,” presented at the Joukowsky Institute for Archaeology and the Ancient World - Brown University – Providence, RI, October 30;
2007 “Latin American Preservation-Overview and Case Studies,” presented at Columbia University, April 24;
2007 “Private Sector Partnerships of the World Monuments Fund in Latin America,” presented at the ICCROM International Forum: Privatization and Cultural Heritage, Catania, Italy, September 13-15;
2007 “The Conservation of Historic Urban Landscapes in the Americas,” Panel discussion at the UNESCO World Heritage Centre Regional Conference: Historic Urban Landscapes in the Americas, Olinda, Brazil, November 12-14;
2006 “World Monuments Fund: Background and Projects in Panama,” presented at the international symposium: Towards a strategy for the conservation of the natural and cultural resources in the Panama Canal Area – Ciudad del Saber, Panama, January 20-21;
2005 “Latin American Preservation-Overview and Case Studies,” presented at Columbia University, April 26;
2005 “Experiences of the World Monuments Fund in Balancing Interpretation with Preservation,” presented with Mark Weber at the 8th Annual US ICOMOS International Symposium: Heritage Interpretation - Charleston, South Carolina, May 5 - 8;
2005 “Tres Casos en la Experiencia de World Monuments Fund,” presented at the XIII ICOMOS conference: New Views on Authenticity and Integrity in the World Heritage of the Americas – San Miguel Allende, Mexico, August 24-26;
2005 “World Monuments Fund: Forty Years of Experience Working in Historic Cities,” presented at the 8th World Symposium of the Organization of World Heritage Cities – Cusco, Peru, September 19-23;
2004 “World Monuments Fund: Background and Fortifications Projects,” presented at the Experts Meeting for the Recovery of American Fortifications, Campeche, Mexico, March 12-15;
2004 “The role of World Monuments Fund in the conservation of cultural patrimony: Case studies from Mexico and Latin America,” presented at the Historic City Today International Seminar – Oaxaca, Mexico, August 11-13;
2004 “Conservation and Management of the Ceremonial Village of Orongo,” presented at the VI International Congress: Rapa Nui and The Pacific, Viña del Mar, Chile, September 21-15;
2003 “Latin American Preservation-Overview and Case Studies,” presented at Columbia University, April 29;
2003 “La conservación del patrimonio cultural y el uso turístico: la acción de la World Monuments Fund,” presented at the Seminario Internacional sobre Turismo Cultural, Miami, December 8-12;
2002 “Turismo Cultural y Conservación – La Experiencia de WMF,” presented at the Consejo Nacional Empresarial Turístico - CNET conference, Mexico City, Mexico, May 30;
2002 “Las Escuelas Nacionales de Arte -Sesión Especial,” presented at the Association of Collegiate Schools of Architecture - ACSA International Conference, Havana, Cuba, June 23.
2019 “Public-Private Management of Cultural Heritage.” Lima, Peru, March 28. Organizer and moderator.
2017 “Hablemos de la Habana Workshop.” Havana, Cuba. February 7-9. Organizing Committee Member.
2016 “Georgetown International Heritage Conference.” Georgetown, Guyana. June 6-8. Organizer.
2015 “Latin American Modernism at Risk: A Panel Discussion on Preservation Challenges for World Monuments Watch Sites” MoMA, New York. May 5. Organizer.
2013 “Taller de diseño de cubiertas para la protección arqueológica.” Guatemala City, Guatemala. October 25-31. Organizer.
2012 “Scent Dinner.” The Studio and Home of Grimanesa Amorós, New York. June 26. Organizer.
2011 “II Taller internacional de cubiertas arquitectónicas en contextos arqueológicos.” Trujillo, Peru. December 8-12. Organizing Committee Member.
2009 “Taller sobre lineamientos de conservación y diseño para cubiertas arquitectónicas en contextos arqueológicos.” Palenque, Mexico. October 2-8. Organizing Committee Member.
2008 “Conservation and Sustainable Development of the Tuff Towns.” Pitigliano, Civita di Bagnoregio, Orvieto, Italy. May 14-17. Organizer.
2005 “Taller para la Conservación, Gestión y Desarrollo Sustentable de las Misiones Jesuíticas Guaraníes.” Encarnación, Paraguay. October 24-30. Organizer.
2004 “Programa para la conservación, gestión y desarrollo sustentable de las Misiones Jesuítico-Guaraníes.” Posadas, Argentina. Part I: Curso / Taller November 17-20. Part II: Práctica de Metodologías en Conservación November 21-27. Organizer.
2004 “Meeting of Experts for the Rehabilitation of American Fortifications.” Campeche, Mexico. March 12-15. Organizer.
2003 “Curso-taller sobre la conservación, gestión y desarrollo sustentable de las Misiones Jesuítico-Guaraníes.” São Miguel das Missões, Brazil. November 3-8. Organizer.
2002 “Heritage Conservation in South America: Challenges and Solutions.” Sao Paulo, Brazil. April 11-14. Organizer.
Norma Barbacci Preservation Consultants, LLC (2017-Present)
Several Countries: Supported research and packaging of several pilot projects in Latin America, for the Cultural Heritage Finance Alliance CHiFA (2020);
Salvador de Bahia, Brazil: Developed an Advanced Master of Architecture Studio at Yale University, based on the Ladeira da Misericórdia historic site (Spring Semester 2020);
Lima, Peru:
Team Leader in Technical Assistance project financed by the European Union in Peru: "Public - Private Alliance on Cultural Heritage," resulting in the development of (2) Cultural Routes in Lima and the organization of (5) workshops/seminars on private participation in the management of cultural heritage (January-August 2021);
Organized a public symposium on Public-Private Management of Cultural Heritage and helped the Peruvian Delegation of the European Union identify and select heritage sites to be rehabilitated on the occasion of the Bicentennial of the independence of Peru (April 2019);
Havana, Cuba: Identified possible historic preservation projects for the World Monuments Fund (WMF) in Cuba and represented WMF in the coordination of the rehabilitation project of the Santa Clara Convent in Havana, in collaboration with the Office of the Historian of Havana (OHCH);
Historic Center of Paramaribo, Suriname: Advised the Inter-American Development Bank and the Ministry of Culture of Suriname on the prioritization of interventions within the Urban Rehabilitation Program of Paramaribo;
Camino de Cruces National Park, Panama: Collaborated with Transworld Explorations S.A. in the development of a Public Use Plan for the Camino de Cruces National Park;
Fortifications of Portobelo and San Lorenzo, Panama: Consulted with the Inter-American Development Bank and the National Institute of Culture of Panama on the conservation and management of the Fortifications of Portobelo and San Lorenzo, Panama;
Bunce Island, Sierra Leone: Assessed the existing conditions and helped develop a plan of priority interventions for the rehabilitation and development of the Bunce Island archaeological site, for the Landmarks Conservancy of New York.
World Monuments Fund (2001-2017)
ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Historic Center: Advocacy, publication.
ARGENTINA Jesuit Guaraní Missions, Misiones: San Ignacio Miní conservation, planning and education.
ARGENTINA La Merced Church, Buenos Aires: Planning, stained glass conservation.
BOLIVIA Rio Lauca Burial Towers, Sajama: Conservation.
BRAZIL Historic Center of Salvador de Bahia: Interpretation Center planning, exhibit.
BRAZIL Jesuit Guaraní Missions, Rio Grande do Sul: Sâo Nicolao Mission – Sobrado Silva Mansion restoration.
BRAZIL Paranapiacaba, Sâo Paulo: Restoration, adaptive re-use.
BRAZIL Quinta da Boa Vista, Rio de Janeiro: Conservation.
BRAZIL Franciscan Convent, Olinda: Planning, conservation.
BRAZIL Sâo José and Santa Cecília Church, Ouro Preto: Conservation, planning, publication.
CHILE Chiloé Churches, Chiloé: Conservation, building crafts training.
CHILE Churches of Arica-Parinacota: Restoration, building crafts training, education.
CHILE Easter Island: Management Plan, Orongo and Rano Raraku planning and site development, publications.
CHILE San Francisco Church, Santiago: Roof restoration.
COLOMBIA San Ignacio Church, Bogota: Conservation.
COLOMBIA San Pedro Claver, Cartagena: Structural stabilization.
CUBA Havana Murals: Conservation, training.
CUBA National Schools of Art, Cubanacán: Advocacy, “Unfinished Spaces” documentary film.
CUBA Parish Church of San Juan Bautista, Remedios: Advocacy, workshop.
DOMINICAN R Puerto Plata Lighthouse: Restoration.
ECUADOR Bolivar Theater, Quito: Interior restoration.
ECUADOR Las Peñas, Guayaquil: Historic house restoration.
ECUADOR Remigio Crespo Toral Museum, Cuenca: Conservation.
ECUADOR Todos Santos Monastery, Cuenca: Restoration.
GUATEMALA Capitanes Generales Palace, Antigua Guatemala: Restoration, planning, exhibit, publication.
GUATEMALA Kaminaljuyú Archaeological Site: Advocacy, planning.
GUATEMALA Naranjo Archaeological Site: Planning, conservation, publication.
GUATEMALA Piedras Negras Archaeological Site, Petén: Planning, conservation.
GUATEMALA Quiriguá Archaeological Site: Planning, publication.
GUATEMALA Uaxactún Archaeological Site, Petén: Planning, conservation.
GUATEMALA Usumacinta Cultural Landscape, Guatemala-Mexico: Advocacy, planning.
GUYANA Georgetown City Hall: Conference, publication.
HAITI Gingerbread Houses of Port-au-Prince: Maison Dufort crafts training, Maison Gauthier stabilization, didactic materials, publications.
HAITI Jacmel Historic Center: Vernacular house restoration, crafts training, documentary film.
JAMAICA Old Iron Bridge, Spanish Town: Restoration.
MALTA Mnajdra Prehistoric Temples, Qrendi: Restoration.
MEXICO Antigua Ciudad Guerrero, Tamaulipas: Conservation.
MEXICO Apostle Santiago Church, Nurio, Michoacán: Conservation.
MEXICO Chalcatzingo Archaeological Site, Morelos: Conservation.
MEXICO Fundidora Park, Monterrey: Conservation.
MEXICO Immaculada Concepción Chapel, Nurio, Michoacán: Conservation.
MEXICO Jesús Nazareno Church, Atotonilco, San Miguel Allende: Conservation, publication.
MEXICO Las Pozas, Xilitla, San Luis Potosí: Planning, conservation.
MEXICO Madera Cave Dwellings, Chihuahua: Documentation, conservation.
MEXICO Maya Sites of the Yucatán Peninsula, Yucatán and Campeche: Planning, conservation at Ake, Xocnaceh, Kabah, Chichén Itza, Santa Rosa Xtampac.
MEXICO Mexico City Historic Center: Rule Building Visitor's Center restoration and adaptive re-use.
MEXICO Monte Albán Archaeological Site, Oaxaca: Carved stelae survey and documentation.
MEXICO Palace of Fine Arts, Mexico City: Dome restoration.
MEXICO Palafoxiana Library, Puebla: Conservation.
MEXICO Ruta de la Amistad, Mexico City: Advocacy, conservation.
MEXICO San Francisco de Tzintzuntzan Convent, Michoacán: Conservation.
MEXICO San Gabriel Convent, Cholula, Puebla: Pilgrim's Portal Conservation.
MEXICO San Juan Bautista Church, Coixtlahuaca, Oaxaca: Conservation.
MEXICO San Juan Bautista Monastery, Cuauhtinchan, Puebla: Church conservation.
MEXICO San Juan de Ulúa Fort, Tabasco: Conservation.
MEXICO San Miguel Arcángel Convent, Maní, Yucatan: Restoration.
MEXICO Santa Prisca Parish Church, Taxco: Conservation, publication.
MEXICO Teotihuacan Archaeological Site, San Juan Teotihuacan: Quezalcoatl temple conservation, planning, exhibit.
MEXICO Yaxchilán Archaeological Site, Chiapas: Planning, conservation.
MEXICO Zacán Hospital Chapel, Michoacán: Conservation.
PANAMA Colon Historic Center: Planning.
PANAMA Portobelo Colonial Bridges: Conservation.
PANAMA San Jerónimo Fort, Portobelo: Conservation, planning.
PANAMA San Lorenzo Fort, Colon: Conservation, planning.
PARAGUAY Jesuit Guaraní Missions, Encarnación: Santísima Trinidad del Paraná planning, structural stabilization.
PERU Cajamarca Historic Center: Belén Monastery planning.
PERU Capilla Virgen Purificada de Canincunca, Cusco: Planning.
PERU Casa de las Columnas, Lima: Advocacy, training, restoration.
PERU Chankillo Archaeological Site, Ancash: Documentation, conservation, planning.
PERU Colca Valley Churches, Arequipa: Sibayo and Canocota conservation, crafts training.
PERU Huaca de la Luna Archaeological Site, Trujillo: Conservation, training, publication.
PERU Kuélap Archaeological Site, Amazonas: Templo Mayor conservation, interpretation.
PERU Laraos Terraces, Lima: Conservation.
PERU Lima Historic Center: Advocacy, exhibitions, publications.
PERU Los Pinchudos Archaeological Site, Rio Abiseo National Park, Amazonas: Conservation.
PERU Oyón Valley Missionary Chapels, Lima: Rapaz, Canín, Tongos, Picoy, Oyón, Pachangara, Naván, Huacho sin Pescado, Curay, Lancha conservation.
PERU Quinta de Presa, Rímac, Lima: Planning.
PERU San Francisco de Asís de Marcapata Church, Cusco: Planning.
PERU San Juan Bautista Church, Huaro, Cusco: Conservation.
PERU San Pedro Apóstol Church, Andahuaylillas, Cusco: Planning, conservation, youth training, publication.
PERU San Pedro Chapel, Mórrope, Lambayeque: Restoration.
PERU Santa Catalina de Siena Convent, Arequipa: Conservation, exhibit.
PERU Túcume Archaeological Site, Lambayeque: Conservation.
PORTUGAL Equestrian Statue of King Joseph, Lisbon: Conservation.
PORTUGAL Funchal Cathedral: Conservation.
PORTUGAL Mosteiro dos Jerónimos Church, Lisbon: Conservation.
PORTUGAL Queluz Palace, Sintra: Garden, fountains and canal conservation, training.
SPAIN Alhambra, Granada: Oratorio del Partal conservation.
SPAIN Berrocal de Trujillo, Extremadura: Landscape study, conference.
SPAIN Cartuja de Santa María de Miraflores Monastery, Burgos: Conservation, statue reproduction.
SPAIN Concepción Real de Calatrava Church, Madrid: Conservation.
SPAIN Güell Pavilions, Barcelona: Advocacy, smart phone application.
SPAIN Hostal de San Marcos - Parador de Leon: Planning.
SPAIN Malaga Roman Theatre: Conservation.
SPAIN Pazo de San Miguel das Penas, Lugo: Torre del Homenaje mural painting conservation.
SPAIN San Clemente Monastery, Toledo: Chapterhouse Ceiling Restoration.
SPAIN San Lorenzo del Escorial Monastery, Madrid: Conservation.
SPAIN Santa María de Vitoria Cathedral, Vitoria-Gastéiz: Conservation.
SPAIN Santa Paula Convent, Seville: Conservation.
SPAIN Segovia Aqueduct: Advocacy, planning.
USA San José Church, San Juan, Puerto Rico: Conservation.
VENEZUELA La Guaira Historic City: El Guamacho Plaza rehabilitation.
VENEZUELA San Francisco Church, Coro: Wooden ceiling conservation.
Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners (1989-2000)
Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, Utah: Preservation architect for the interior restoration and exterior additions to an historic cathedral including mural conservation, wood and plaster restoration, as well as design of new liturgical elements to conform with Vatican II requirements.
Enoch Pratt Free Library, Baltimore, Maryland: Project Manager for the restoration and renovation of Maryland's central library (with Ayers Saint Gross) in Baltimore. The challenge was to retrofit contemporary library, environmental and information services while preserving the character of this publically accessible landmark.
Federal Reserve, New York: Project Manager.
Ford Center for the Performing Arts, New York: Preservation architect for the salvage and reuse of decorative plaster elements and facade restoration of two 42nd Street theaters.
Grace Church, New York: Project Architect for “on-call” projects.
Grand Central Terminal, New York: Staff Architect for the preparation of a retail development plan for the redesign and optimization of retail space within a landmark transportation terminal.
Grover Cleveland Birthplace Museum, Caldwell, New Jersey: Project Manager and Project Architect responsible for the implementation of the restoration of this 19th century structure.
Henry Luce III Center, New York Historical Society, New York: Project Manager for the architectural design, preparation of construction documents, bidding and construction administration services for the 25,000 SF Henry Luce III Center for the Study of American Culture, located within the fourth floor of the New York Historical Society building.
Heschel School, New York: Project Manager and Project Architect for the adaptive reuse and restoration of two existing buildings to house nursery to eighth grade students.
New York Historical Society, New York: Project Manager for the roof and facade restoration, first floor modifications and feasibility study for the reorganization and reinstallation of this facility in the turn-of-the-century York & Sawyer-designed structure on New York’s Central Park West.
South Street Seaport Museum, New York: Preservation Architect.
Templete of Royal Monastery of Guadalupe, Extremadura, Spain: Translated and prepared completion reports in Spanish and English for the restoration of a 15 Century Mudéjar structure in the Royal Monastery of Guadalupe, sponsored by the World Monuments Fund.
Williamsburg Bridge, New York: Project Manager for new entry portals, and design of pedestrian walkway components such as fencing, lighting and signage restoration.
Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut: Preservation architect for several projects on the Yale Campus including:
The Davies Mansion: In-depth feasibility study for the restoration and re-use of this fire-damaged 19th century building listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Yale Bowl: Preparation of a master plan for the repair and restoration of the oldest concrete structure in America, seating approximately 71,000 spectators and listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Charles A. Platt & Partners (1987-1989)
Brown Brothers Harriman Bank, New York, NY: Project Architect, interior design.
Columbia University Arden House Conference Center, Harriman, NY: Staff architect, master plan, adaptive re-use and additions.
Saint Gaudens Historic Site, Cornish, NH: Staff architect, graphic presentations.
Arthur Lubetz Associates Architects (1984-1985)
5030 Fifth Ave, Pittsburgh, PA: Staff architect, adaptive re-use.
Benedum Hall, Pittsburgh, PA: Staff architect, adaptive re-use.
Exico townhouses, Pittsburgh, PA: Staff architect, adaptive re-use.
Fessler House, Pittsburgh, PA: Staff architect, adaptive re-use.
Interspace Inc. (1984)
Cleveland Clinic and Hospital, Cleveland OH: Staff architect, interior design (Cesar Pelli Architect).